Contemporary Photography & The Garden
Contemporary Photography & the Garden: Deceits & Fantasies
Produced to accompany a traveling exhibition organized by the American Federation of Arts, this book presents the photographs of an international group of contemporary artists whose work depicts gardens throughout the world and investigates their forms, atmosphere, and symbolism. There was uncertainty on the part of client as to which parts of the book title should be the main title and which the subtitle. An elegant solution was found by setting Deceits and Fantasies in Trajan, in a translucent larger font, surrounding Contemporary Photography & the Garden in a bolder acidic green. The mystery and elegance of the photographs, as well as the saturated colors of some, are both served with this combination. A palette of intense colors was chosen for the cloth, endsheets, and section dividers. The lush extravagance of the work and the design that frames it are reflected in a large page size and six 6-page gatefolds.
Published by Harry N. Abrams in association with the American Federation of Arts, 2004, 164 pages, 30.4 × 30.4 cm. ISBNs: 0-8109-4955-5; 1-885444-29-X